enterville Business Spotlight CenterStage Tenterville Business Spotlight SPONSORED BY THE CENTERVILLE EDA UMBLE MOTORSPORTS LAURIE'S Sehool of Dance Located in Centerville since 1999 and the school's sath season will begin in September! OFFERING CLASsSES IN HARLEY SALES AND SERVICE HERE AT THE RUMBLE HOUSE ALL STYLES OF DANCE AND ARE A CLOSE KNIT DANCE FAMILY. 2030 Main Street 763,710.7181 651-426-7688 curt@therumblehouse.com LAURIESDANCE.COM enterville Business Spotlight CenterStage Tenterville Business Spotlight SPONSORED BY THE CENTERVILLE EDA UMBLE MOTORSPORTS LAURIE'S Sehool of Dance Located in Centerville since 1999 and the school's sath season will begin in September! OFFERING CLASsSES IN HARLEY SALES AND SERVICE HERE AT THE RUMBLE HOUSE ALL STYLES OF DANCE AND ARE A CLOSE KNIT DANCE FAMILY. 2030 Main Street 763,710.7181 651-426-7688 curt@therumblehouse.com LAURIESDANCE.COM